
Preschool Martial Arts

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Preschool Program: Gross Motor Skills & Socialization

Our preschool program is for children Ages 3-5 in this program we teach Gross motor skills while having lots of fun This class is designed to get your children Ready for interaction with other kids.

Our youngest students are well versed in our 5 school rules. “Effort, etiquette, sincerity, self control and character.” Our 5 school animals are paired up with each school rule. Stories that match these rules are told to help our Lil’ Dragon and Lil’ Ninja’s understand these concepts.

Lil’ Dragon program

Ages 3 & 4 years
Your child will learn how to:
*take turns
*use breathing to calm their bodies,
*follow simple directions
*learn gross motor skills
*earn belt stripes by filling up their star chart,
*And most importantly have fun!


Lil’ Ninja program

Ages 5 & 6 years
Your child will work towards building:
* gross motor skills
* fine motor skill sets
* following complex directions
* gain self control over their minds and bodies
* Earn belt stripes by doing their best each class.